I guess the hardest thing to swallow about my adult life has been the passing of experiences I have had which I cannot, do not, have not had the funding to recreate; do again.

This is a list of all of the things I have done which I wish I could go back and do again, and again, and time again. Sort of like a “bucket list”, but stuff I got to do that the recalling of makes me both happy to have done, and sad to miss doing ever again.

  1. Skiing and Snowboarding

I went to multiple times to Mt. Gore, Whiteface, Pico, Stratton, Big Bear, The U.S. Snowboarding Open (not a competitor), and a few others. Got pretty damn good!

  1. Tennis

Went to a competition where I saw Agassi play, played hundreds of sets of tennis over the years.

  1. Mountain Biking

Went to the trails many times in Upstate NY.

  1. Cross Country Running

I have probably had more exhilarating high’s from long distance running than anything else. My knees are shot now.

  1. Football

I miss the days when I got to tackle the living shit out of someone everyday. Never had the hands, but earned ‘em in my thirties, would be an offensive college level receiver with the hands I trained now.

I’ve been to some pro games, some college games. Lately over the last few years I don’t get to even watch on T.V. at all.

  1. Baseball

Played little league, never got the knack.  Seriously fell in love with the sport  honestly when I lived at St. Vincent De Paul in 2007-2008. We watched every Padres game on a big screen televising what was going on a few blocks away at Petco Park. We could hear the real crowd through the patio doors. Probably watched 110 games. Got to go to a few too. Maybe a dozen since 2005.

  1. Lacrosse

This is a sport I played from middle school until my Senior year of HIgh School. I love the sport and got to be the benefactor of a Philadelphia Wings Pro being our coach! Once again, I love violent contact sports.

  1. Musical Performance

I play trumpet, piano, and guitar, do vocals and pan flute. I have learned a lot over the years, somehow, even with a lack of instruments. In my youth I was part of hundreds of performances, rehearsals, jams, and rock jazz, blues, classical, theatrical, and rock concerts…

  1. Comedy

I have honed my skills, and feel like maybe someday soon I should just take the stage like in my old days, surprise myself and those who doubt my chops.

  1. Climbing

I have done much of it, but have to say the dangerous climb Kali and I performed at Castle Rock, on The Great Plains in Kansas freeform was an unbeatable rush!

  1. Swimming

Was on the swim team from age 5 - 12. Miss being a water bug. WE rented an Air BnB House with a pool for my daughters birthday this weekend, gonna be fun!

  1. Concert Going

I’ve been to roughly a hundred shows.  None in over a decade, really to speak of. Starving for it.

  1. Theater

Was a very good actor in my youth, have been to some Broadway shows, some “Off” Broadway shows, just can never get enough of it. Checked out “The Taming of the Shrew” with one of my best buds at The Old Globe here in Balboa Park, in San Diego. I highly recommend it. Probably been to a couple of dozen plays. Not nearly enough. I have been  bitten by the theater bug, and wish for more.

  1. Art Exhibits

The wine. The people. The wine. The people. The wine mostly. Oh and, the artists…

Well I am fresh out of things to talk of, but this is a prime example of what not having steady work EVER in my adult life has kept me from now living and showing my daughter now, in the present tense.

Motivating. Captivating how I felt all of of these things were distant losses when I started this whole writeup and now I’m like:















Love ya’ll!

-Joel (Mr. Ed.)

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