I quit.


"It's not the time I'm concerned about, it's the mileage!" - "Indiana Jones" (Harrison Ford) on aging to "Marion" (Karen Allen)...

  • Update : 49 hours nicotene/smoke free... still. Really bad withdrawals. "Quitters Flu"... but it's strengthening my resolve as an eye opener of how bad it had la grippe on me.

  • 2nd Update: 1 week smoke free!

  • 3rd Update: Managed to keep a full blown relapse to 1 or two on a bad day 2 weeks now as a non problematic smoker...

  • 4th Update: rang in the New Year, haven't smoked all year! Lol. Strengthening my conviction here, and going through ugly, ugly, ugly nicotene withdrawals still. Ugh.

  • 5th and final. Update: I'm not addicted anymore, and just like everything I else I've ever done, it's a "maybe once in awhile" thing. Not 25 - 30 a day. Peace!

A new me? No, just older and mileage wiser.
